How I Build My Passive Income Business Attending Wedding Expos



Passive Income Wedding Expos Time Rich Empire 2

I just made $17k last month from attending a wedding expo for just 2 hours!

“Okay, what do wedding expos have to do with building passive income?”

Well, wedding expos are full of businesses and service providers looking to attract people to hire them…I’m looking for businesses to learn about affiliate marketing products that can help to grow their business and connect them to more clients.

So in short, I go to wedding expos to find businesses in need of services that my affiliate marketing partners have to offer.

Which is essentially a win-win opportunity for me to sell them and gather information about their business for what they have to offer.

Make Passive Income Attending Wedding Expos Time Rich Empire

What is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing is referred to as a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s own marketing efforts.

Now before you crash a wedding expo!

There are simple rules of etiquette you must know.

“You are not attending the wedding expo to sell your offer!”

That’s right you are not attending the wedding expo to sell anything and trust me it’s not a waste of time.

Rule 1

Your purpose is to learn what the business has to offer and gather information about their purpose. How they service wedding clients and what exactly that they do to make weddings so special.

Rule 2

So, when I attend a wedding expo I am there to meet as many businesses attending as I can and learn all about their business model. 

Rule 3

I am not trying to sell my offer! I am only gathering information and making first impressions.

Now that we went over the rules, let’s set up a passive income revenue stream for helping businesses focusing on weddings.

First off, it’s a great idea to disclose that you are a marketing partner and you looking to gather information about wedding services.

“Ask what exactly do they do to make weddings very special?”

This is a chance to learn about their business model and gather fact finding information.

Always ask for a business card!

Looking at their business card, if they are using gmail or a free email service you can quickly learn if they need a website!

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Likely, they would be a good candidate for setting up a Shopify website if they don’t have one.

It’s a great idea to exchange business cards.

Again, remember you are not selling your offer!!

Let your business card and website do the selling for you.

Which you should have your own website setup that explains your services with offers from affiliate marketing partners.

On the front of my business card is my name, email address and all my important contact details.

On the other side of my business card is a free offer!!

It says “Free Report To Attract More Clients” with a URL to download the report!!

While I don’t ever sell my offer when attending wedding expos.

I “do always mention that because I’m a marketing partner” on the back of my card is a free report to attract more clients and I hope that they find it helpful.

I quickly thank them for their time and let them know that I do plan to review their information.

This is the secret strategy that continues to grow my passive income business!!

To grow your passive income business, you need to pick a niche that is not overcrowded. For this very reason, I prefer weddings.

What I find is people who do offer services for weddings are underserved in technology.

Many don’t have websites and if they do the websites are not robust ecommerce platforms like Shopify.

Where using Shopify allows businesses to operate their commerce platform to easily sell online, at a retail location, and everywhere!

I only attend 1 to 2 local wedding expos and bridal shows a month.

I’ve even made friends with couples and got a few wedding invites.

I’m loving the wedding business!

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This feature is the personal experience of a client who follows the Time Rich Empire Lifestyle. All success results are varied on the individual.

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